Colin Woodart – The republic of pirates
Captivating narrative which juicy details on naval warfare practices and life on board.
Colin Woodart – The republic of pirates
Captivating narrative which juicy details on naval warfare practices and life on board.
At some points the investigative journalism is not fully convincing, but it conveys the message effectively.
Bill Burnett and Dave Evans – Designing your life
Five not terribly original self-realization tools, creatively reframed in designer language.
Layla Saad – Me and white supremacy
The “just shut up and listen”-attitude is refreshing, but will not convince anyone who is not already on the reader’s side and even antagonize many potential supporters of her cause.
Martin Lindstrom – The ministry of common sense
This marketing guy can’t stop whining about his 1st world problems (and when pushed by his editor to deliver another bestseller decided to to make it into a book, together with his ghost writer).
Everything you always wanted to know about the economic, cultural, historical, and culinary significance of cod.
Jonathan Smart – Sooner Safer Happier
The book’s premise sounds so blatantly obvious that one wonders why (in many organizations) there is still an issue.
Jerry Saltz – How to be an artist
What is good advice for life is typically also good advice for art, and vice versa.
The writer never really succeeds in making the Simulmatics story seem important, partly because due to endless digressions about the bad marriages of the men who founded the company and partly because she avoids any substantial assessment of the actual models they used.
Ward Fransworth – The practicing Stoic
there is no reason to get too excited about this book.
Malcolm Gladwell – Talking to strangers
Gladwell once more makes his well known point that prejudice is often subconscious and institutionalized (cf. also Blink), this time inspired by a BLM atrocity.
Martin Kleppmann – Designing Data-intensive applications
Surprisingly readable for a text of this sort of technical depth
The detailed synopsis of (what seems like) every book, play, or movie that ever mentioned rabies gets boring pretty fast.
Colin Brayer and Bill Carr – Working backwards
Somehow, there is no mention of pee bottles or other excesses concerning operational staff in the book.
Joshua Foer – Moonwalking with Einstein
Endearing blend of journalism and personal experience.
The seemingly controversial thesis turns out to be a platitude hidden behind a carefully crafted facade of definitions.
Brian Christian – The most human human
Unfortunately, the book does not explicitly challenge if humans are adequate judges in the Turing test.
Michael Pollan – How to change your mind
It is much harder to relate to the author’s obsession, which seems mostly driven by a some vague feeling of disappointment concerning life in general.
First install the LEMP stack on the server like so (to make sure we are prepared for what comes later when I will also use the database to serve a website).
To make the database accessible I first downloaded it from my hosting provider’s through myphpadmin. And then used this tutorial to load it.
I set up the local environment on the client (windows laptop) from which we will access the database. On the Windows laptop I use Conda as environment manager.
conda create -n db-test
conda activate db-test
pip install mariadb
Make sure you run these with root permissions (or as administrator on Windows 10).
We need to allow access to the database on the server through the firewall. Of course we restrict to local IP addresses only.
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 3306
From there we follow the steps here, using this version:
sudo nano /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
In that last file change the bind address tobind-address =
Set up a user with access from your specific client IP address in Madiadb on your server.
CREATE USER 'user'@'you.rcl.ien.t' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
SELECT User, Host, Password FROM mysql.user;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, DROP ON your_db.* TO 'test'@'you.rcl.ien.t';
For connecting I use the python connector.
With this script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import mariadb
import sys
# Define mariadb connection configuration
config = {
'user': 'user',
'password': 'password',
'host': 'you.rse.rve.r',
'database': 'your_db',
'port': 3306
# Instantiate Connection
conn = mariadb.connect(**config)
print(f'Yup! {conn}')
except mariadb.Error as e:
print(f"Error connecting to MariaDB Platform: {e}")