Dan Sulivan and Benjamin Hardy – 10x is easier than 2x
Motivational books are typically easy to misinterpret.
Dan Sulivan and Benjamin Hardy – 10x is easier than 2x
Motivational books are typically easy to misinterpret.
Mike Dooley – Playing the matrix
Feel-good take on: ‘there is no such thing as a free lunch’ from the guy who (somewhat pretentiously) signs his daily newsletters with: “The Universe.”
Contageous enthusiasm of authentic curiosity comes across best in his Jia Jiang’s youtube videos (cf. Olympic rings).
Counting back from 5 to 1 and then ‘go’ is a useful mind trick that helps to bypass inertia.
Entertaining proponent of the emerging trend of ‘self re-programming’ within ‘self help’, leveraging scientific insights from fields such as neuro science and behavioral economics to train the mind.
In order to be successful, ‘givers’ have to be smart about how they direct their giving.
Remarkable how social environment and incentives can shape giving/taking behavior of individuals.