En contagiously enthusiastic account of all you can do with laser cutters,milling machines, 3D printers, AutoCAD software, and the like – and how cheap it is.
Martin Ford – Rise of the Robots
Interesting thought experiment by an author who underestimates human ingenuity (I sincerely hope).
Brian Burke – Gamify
The book focuses on engagement, accomplishment, and competition as performance drivers; whereas ‘hard benefits’ such as shorter feedback loops and more targeted content get less attention.
Don Tapscott et. al. – Blockchain revolution
The writers’ enthusiasm seems at some points somewhat naive, considering the scope of vested interests in target markets.
Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler – Abundance
Exponentially growing advancements in technology will help us resolve major world problems
Contagiously optimistic view on the opportunities we have to shape our own future and that of humanity.
Robert Bryce – Smaller, faster, lighter, denser, cheaper
First and foremost, read the optimistic case studies on the evolution of technology, from the printing press to the vacuum tube.